Continuing the Family Tradition

Melvett “Mel” Chambers was born in Houston, Texas but eventually moved to Denver, Colorado and then Cheyenne, Wyoming where he graduated from Central High School. He attended the University of Wyoming and graduated with a degree in accounting. A man of many talents, Mel won photography awards, published 2 books, and coauthored many others.

Mel and his wife Andrea would eventually settle down in Hennepin, Oklahoma to continue the legacy within the area. Mel attended and completed the Oklahoma Master Gardener program. Thereafter, he worked closely with the Department of Agriculture in the Plasticulture Program and was the market manager of the Ardmore Main Street Farmers Market. He also harvested a close relationship with the Chickasaw farms in Davis, Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University and the Samuel Robert Noble Foundation would eventually recognize Mel with the Outstanding Plasticulture Produce Marketing Award for Excellence in Farmer Market Presentation. Mel has also been recognized as the Small Farmer of the Year Award in 2014.

Mel was able to carryout and continue a strong family legacy within the area. It is the family's goal to sustain the legacy of agriculture in Oklahoma for generations to come. 


Mel's bother, Paul Chambers, has taken the reigns alongside Mel's wife, Andrea, to continue all operations on the farm.  The entire family is committed to carrying out the continued success of plasticulture farming. Franklin Chambers Family Farm has the goal of growing great crops, following strict guidelines and ethical practices, and expanding operations without the use of artificial enhancements. In the wake of "Big Farming", many family farms are shrinking in size and becoming less generational. We are dedicated to continued success in competing with the large scale operations that aren't able to focus as much on the quality of their product or provide the variety that our operations are able to provide.