Our farm is in a climate that is great for growing a variety crops. Although the climate is great for traditional methods of farming, our main focus is utilizing our hoop houses to grow all of our crops so that we have an extended growing period and better quality control over our product. By using hoop houses, we have the ability to grow all of the most popular crops. Below are some of the most popular crops that we grow.



Technically speaking, tomatoes are a fruit. They are labelled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C are commonly eaten raw in salads, cooked vegetable, used as an ingredient of various dishes. Additionally, a large percentage of the world’s tomato crop is used for products like canned tomatoes, tomato juice, ketchup, puree, paste, and “sun-dried” tomatoes.



Just like the tomato, Okra is also considered a fruit. It can be prepared by sautéing, pickling, or battered and fried. It is a staple in the south and is often found in different types of gumbos. It is also useful as a thickener for broths and soups. In some countries the seeds are even used as a substitute for coffee. 


Collard Greens

Collard greens are a form of cabbage from the mustard family. These greens are a great source of vitamins A and C and other minerals. It is commonly grown as a source of winter greens, where it is customarily boiled with your choice of seasoning with some added of pork fat. "Collard" has the same botanical name as kale, but the difference can be found in the character of the leaf. The leaves on a collard are much broader looking more like a head of cabbage.